Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wiz City & Sneak peak post #3

Ohhh!? Click ''read more'' to see Wiz City!

Wiz City, the course we've all been waiting for! And it's coming between May and June! In a recent 4gamer.net interview the developers said between May and June, but my banner says ''planned for''. Why? Because you never know what the sneaky developers will do. They could move the update back for 3 months for all we know! I've also mixed the ''Sneak peak post #3'' in this post.

Fun thing, Pangya Japan will also change their name after the update. It will be called ''Pangya United''.

Beautiful course, by the looks of it. Now what to say about the difficulty? I'd say it will be a 1-2 star course judging on the colourfulness and pink glitter. One thing is for certain. I can't wait to play on Wiz City!

Now the ''Sneak peak post #3''.

List of things that are going to be added in this weeks update:

- SSC.
- The cauldron items which you can make with the coins you win in game
- Caddie upgrades
- New calliper system
- Different way of showing your Season 2, 3 and 4 status
- Silvia Cannon's cannons won't fire their lazer any more
- Rental system(you can rent clothes for pang, this includes point items)
- Rookie ducky system(rookies will get an easier way of buying clothes)
- Card pack volume 2

I plan on posting something on Thursday too, I dunno what though. Oh! And with the June 5th update, they plan on resolving all the dc's with Windows Vista and 7. This is nice, right?



  1. OH MY GOD, a new course! Fantastic update Flute

  2. A new way of showing S2,3 and 4 records? Now this would be interesting as well. Looking forward on how this would look over there.

    And yeah, since SC wont fire their lazars anymore, lets see how ppl will fare records wise. Also i appreciate the Caddie Upgrades which still have YET to arrive in Global.

  3. Uhhh flute, I think you posted the name wrong.
    On 4gamer it shows “スカッとゴルフ パンヤ United” or "Pangya United", but you posted it as "Pangya Untitled"... just thought I would point that out. ^^;

    Nevertheless, can't wait to hear more about Wiz City, it's looking great so far~

  4. Does that mean Season 5 is also Jun 5? (OO)
    IGN: Koohii2Wii

  5. pangya untitled sounds cooler than united lol


  6. Lmao, my bad! I think when I did a spellings check it changed that word *fixed*

    @Koohii2Wii No idea, they said Wiz City = June 5th. Season 5 wasn't even mentioned in the interview.. =[

  7. "Pangya United"... It sounds as bad as "Pangya Global"...

    But when I check carefully, it's a relieve to know that it's just the source code integration. Maybe they just use the korean client's source? Hopefully it won't make the game too easy to hack.

    By the way, I think it's May-June but not 5 of June. source: http://www.4gamer.net/games/014/G001477/20110404044/

  8. @ Anno

    That's the same interview I used to get this information. And it says: 「Wiz City」の実装を,「5~6月」(I can't show it here, but in the 4gamer interview the date is marked red).

    But like I said in the post. You may never know what they'll do!

  9. Looks like the updates on JP and Global are both going to be great. Can't wait till I get home from this trip to start grinding. :D

  10. 5~6月 the 月 kanji means month and 5~6月 means May through June. I know your Nihonggo isn't accurate but please check before posting. As I've said before, if you want people to be assured of what you post is accurate, please do more research. Oh and the "Untitled" was a lmao worthy.

  11. Flute I'd hate to point out something... again, but I noticed that you said June fifth, but June 5th would be 5 - 6 not 5 ~ 6. Looking around, it seems Sweatdrop/Rich also noticed this as well.

    So in reality I think it's safe to say it between May and June that it will be released, and not June 5th. Which is even better since it means a faster release for the course. ^_^

  12. somehow i highly doubt its going to come out on the "planned" time anyways


  13. Mmm... this'll be interesting :D now I just hope US gets it soon, but definitely checking youtube the week it comes out.

    And Xanith? why do you say this? They rarely hold back updates that already have a release date. The only thing that's annoying is just how long it takes the other servers to update sometimes (global is still a year behind, if not more in some cases). But they still come out on the "planned" date. Just the date is planned for global itself :P

    So I don't know really what you're talking about? :>

  14. But what do I know :P I haven't been following PangYa News for very long.

  15. Hmm, okay, got it. I'll fix the date. But again about the ''Untitled'' thing. The spelling check messed that one up. xD

  16. Fixed. Thank you everyone for helping me, won't make that mistake twice now =]
