Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pangya Global? Pangya United!

Wiz City, 27th of April. This logo in English and not in Korean/Japanese? Click ''read more''!

At moments like these I hate it that I have to go to school, other wise I'd be blogging about this news way earlier!
As you know Pangya Japan got renamed into Pangya United. Not so long after that Korea followed Japan's footsteps. Now it's time for Global to become Pangya United! We've played the 2nd anniversary rally event and won the ''New Season'' and Special Shuffle Course. The feature SSC will be added on 27th of April. Of course on the 27th Pangya Global will become Pangya United, but that's not all.

- Card Pack Volume 2.
A whole new deck of cards will be added. 
- Caddie upgrade system.
Upgrade your caddie to give better stats.
- Title system.
What's this? Title system is an easier way of seeing your titles and buying them. If Global really is going to follow Japan, a lot of titles will be available in the shops. But you'll have to be a certain level or have a certain % of quit rate to buy these titles. Also, the titles that you buy in the shops won't stay for ever. It's like with the mascots. Buy them for a day, week, month or like in Japan a year. After that.. poof, they're gone. 

This update is devided in 2. The first half of this update is on the 27th. The other half is in May. What's going to be added in the second half? 

- Wiz City (!!)
A new course that is mentioned in Nell's Story. (if you read the post on the site i've mentioned below, it will say : ''There isn't a lot of information on this new course just yet, but you can see what it looks like through these screen shots.'' Now the screen shots they're referring to aren't the Wiz City screen shots, those are screen shots from holes from the SSC).
- Tiki Point Shop.
You can trade your unwanted point clothes for Tiki Points. Use those Tiki Points to buy items. Until now only 2 items have been added which you can get with your Tiki Points. For more information click here.

I'll end this post with a fun story. This story is straight from This is also the place where i've found the release dates and other information. Well, here's the story!

" Take a flight to the Island of Pangya. Pangya is a world unlike your own. In a different dimension, a different time, a world of magic exists on this little island so many call home. Magical fires warm homes and give light. All over the island, the land is green and fairies flit through the air. The sun always shines brightly while a refreshing wind brings joy to all of the island's residents. But Pangya Island was not always bright; once, darkness ruled the land. The island of Pangya is the birthplace of a very special game: the game of Pangya. For the people of Pangya Island, Pangya is more than a game, it is their heritage. 

So begins the story of Pangya, a free-to-play, anime inspired, online fantasy golf game. A game in which people like Tiger Woods aren't the star, but rather cute pirate girls, evil demon offspring, and ex-cops. A game where sand traps and streams aren't the only obstacles in your way, but things like pirates and roaming penguins are always hanging about to mess your score up. "

I can't wait for this update, can you? 


  1. Pangya Thai too have been already Pangya United. What does it mean exactly? I hope it means all Pangya server will be in same level in same time. And hope so much we can connected one each other for special event. Event hard I hope Pangya can realize it. :)

    Pic Related.

  3. omg omg omg
    grats Flute! gr8 blog!

  4. I just noticed this... perhaps "Pangya: United" is like the "Pangya Season 4: Delight" thing? I mean, THAT was in all versions too, right?

    But anyway, definitely good news that we (US) are finally catching up to the rest of the crowd, this month is a happy month for PangYa, full of excited players ready to own all the courses. :P

    Also, I never noticed that the ships in silvia cannon were a tribute of sorts to seedark. Look at the picture on the link Flutes' posted if you're lost by this. Side of Silvia Cannon ship says SEEDARK-I5 (or SEEDARK-15 I can't tell)

  5. @Anno
    It would be nice if that happened. A friend of mine said: Maybe all the severs will become one? Now THAT's United!

    Neo, is it okay if I'm kinda terrified with what you posted? XD

    Thanks Kurt =]

    I think you could be right. I just keep wondering, where's season 5? We haven't heard anything about that nor the Boss Battle Mode!

  6. @Flute
    We'll just have to see. But I mean, we were all prepared for all the servers to go to open tournament. Also second comment says Thai has been "United" for awhile, and we all know they were 4.9 while KR was 4.5 (OT) So... idk.

    As for boss mode, that's still in the works :P But this has been in the works for longer, we've known about it a lot longer I believe... idk lol. Either way, I was planning on this course coming first.
