Questions Section

Welcome to the Questions Section! This is the place where you can ask anything you want to know! It's easy, you post your question down below in the comments and I will post your question + my answer  underneath this text ASAP. Easy Breezey!


Q: What's the name of your blog?
A: Platinum Pangya


Q: Why is no one asking questions?
A: Because everyone asks a question in the last posted post, instead of here.

Q: How does one get more SSC tickets?
A: On the other Pangya severs the tickets drop from the hole. This should be the same case on our sever but I've never won one. Maybe you need to use all your remaining tickets before you can win a new one (or you can to hope that SGi will host an event in which you can win them).


  1. Why is no one asking questions?

  2. How does one get more SSC tickets?
