Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sneak peak post #8

Sneak Peak Post #8. The one with the Cookie Jar. Click "read more"!

Yay! It's time for yet an other Sneak Peak post! With a lot of sneak peaks! There wasn't a reasonable picture in this weeks mail, so that's why I re-used the picture of the first sneak peak post.

... Cookie Jar! :D It looks like a very nice (and if it would be in real life, expensive) cookie jar, right? 

It took me some time to discover who this was, so.. yeah.

Please wash your Papel. Thank you.

Come back on Thursday if you want to know if that really is a cookie jar, who that person is (if you don't know already) and if that Papel indeed got washed! (washing your Papel isn't an event)



  1. My guess is Kooh? :P

  2. Shhhht, don't spill the beans already xD

  3. oh ya they had that set on eu


  4. I'd love to have that Papel. I won't spoil the news by telling the stats but let's just say that he's kinda like Black Papel's little brother. ^_^

  5. Is Dirty Papel a Skin? or a Different Caddie?

  6. @ Pugzski
    Dirty papel is a caddie not a skin.
