Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SSAF Give away event, top 4!

Hi all! This will be the last time I'll say this, because the top 4 have been chosen!

First off, i'd like to thank everyone for participating. I've seen some very funny ones, and other ones that just made no sense at all, making me laugh my ''behind'' off!  I didn't expect that so many people would enter, and I had one hell of a time deciding the top 4. I've chosen the top 4 by seeing what sentence had the most potential to open a blog post with. Don't forget, you may be in the top 4, but this doesn't mean you've won! These sentences will go into a poll, that you can see at the side of the blog. Then you, yes you! The viewers have to chose which sentence wins! So, here they are! The top 4!

''Greetings from Flutez! The name might be mini but the news is not'' -IGN: (e38)j3llo
''Flutez here, just whistling my next new mix of news.'' -IGN: ZachAttack
''Flute here, back to bring some Platinum news!'' -IGN: luneth22
''Are you ready? Let's go Platinum!'' -IGN: tomas153

Congratulations! Now it's time for the poll to decide, who will be the winner. If you think that one of these people above should win, then click on your favourite in the poll!



  1. I like the last a bit, though it doesn't really seem like something I'd open with personally, it's just funny x3

    And c'mon D: you just had to pick one of my more lame ones, didn't you?

    GL to us all, but I think J3llo has it won ;P

  2. Ouch, im lagging far behind...


  3. Haha, are you serious Zack? I thought that was one of your bests! Good luck ;]

  4. Iunno, but it just feels so lame to me D: I wish I could've thought of a better way to say it. The message itself is nice, but the way it's worded kind of sucks. lol

    Also, it's not the last time :P considering the poll's open for 10 more days, and you have thursday, tuesday, and next thursday coming with sneak peeks. So yeah, at least three more posts with "Hi all!"?

  5. Lmao, I guess so XD Didn't really think of that!

  6. lol, luneth here. I didnt guess mine would make it too

  7. Luneth here again. Thats odd...how come the vote number changed to so few?

  8. um yea, why did the votes get reseted? O_o

  9. I would have no idea what so ever. Really strange. :S

  10. The votes are bugged - what to do? This wont be fair D=

  11. I've already closed an re-opend the poll. So I guess that 32 people voted for one and the same sentence.. I'll do some tests and see what happens. If it's still bugged I've got an other way to vote for the winner.

  12. Its still bugged Flute - currently from what im viewing as of 5.40 PM GMT +8, there are 42 votes - 34 are jellos, 5 are mine and 3 one other's. Not good.

  13. lol so because there are more for mine, it's bugged? This contest is bugged from the beginning it seems like. (e17)

  14. That's not it J3llo, i'm just seeing what I can do to let this contest run smoothly. Don't worry, the poll will be up soon again

  15. Poll is fixed, up and ready. Let's get voting!

  16. Ugh...its still not okay. 92% of the votes went to j3llo, and 6% went to the other 2 votes including mine.

  17. Then u should be getting more ppl to vote for u instead of complaining here. Making lots of noise here won't get u more votes, bug or not bug.

  18. lol if it makes you fell better Lune yours is my favorite


  19. In case u didn't notice, jello had won some of the events held by pangya ntreev. So its not surprising, unless you're saying the ntreev committee voting is bugged too?

  20. Im not saying that mine should win though. I'd like to clarify that - cuz this problem has been persisting for a few days, and im sure most of us can testify to that.

  21. Sorry Luneth, the poll ain't bugged. The people just love J3llo's sentence! The real bug was when the votes went from 30 + to +/-8. If this happens again we can say the damn thing is bugged. P.S. Keep it nice guys ;]

  22. Oh i see! I was confused that the votes kept going haywire. Congrats to Jello.
